November 30, 2015

Warsenal - Comanche Emplacements

I painted these Comanche Emplacements from Warsenal to add to my Infinity: The Game terrain collection. Quick and easy to build, fun to paint, and they make great cover.

I have done a 3-part step-by-step tutorial over on the Warsenal Blog that you can check out. Here's a recap of the recipes, though:

GREEN: VMC 086 Luftwaffe Camo Green, 081 Medium Olive <> 079 Golden Olive <> 020 Sunny Skin Tone <> Ivory. 089 Military Green.

STEEL: VMC 168 Black Grey, 166 Dark Grey, 160 Neutral Grey, 155 Light Grey, White. Black.

RUST: VMC 131 Orange Brown + 137 Cavalry Brown

CHIPS: VMC 151 German Camo Black Brown

November 27, 2015

Infinity - Tohaa: Sakiel Regiment

The final model in the Tohaa army is this Sakiel with Viral Combi Rifle.

November 26, 2015

Infinity - Tohaa: Rasail Boarding Team

The Rasail shown here comes with the Chaksa Peripheral shown yesterday. They wander around together as a unit.

November 25, 2015

Infinity - Tohaa: Chaksa Peripheral

This Chaksa accompanies the Tohaa Lieutenant, the Rasail Boarding Unit which will show up here tomorrow.

November 24, 2015

Infinity - Tohaa: Nikoul Ambush Unit

The Nikoul is armed with a Viral Sniper Rifle (nasty), has MSV1 (useful), and is a Sapper - so can begin the game or later dig into foxholes - providing the model with Cover, Mimetism, and Courage wherever it is. Nice!

The original model comes with a strange rock formation thingy to support the firing pose. To better match the chosen base style, Warsenal Tunguskan bases, I constructed a more technological wall surrounding a chunk of rectangular plastic with chopped-up bits of other Tunguskan bases.

November 23, 2015

Infinity - Tohaa: Makaul 3

The third and final Makaul keeping the Tohaa Triads safe.

November 20, 2015

Infinity - Tohaa: Makaul 2

The second Makaul for this Tohaa force.

November 19, 2015

Infinity - Tohaa: Makaul 1

Makaul might be the "best" unit in Tohaa. Or at least one of the most useful. Zero-Vis Smoke Grenades protect your triads as you cross the battlefield. A Heavy Flamethrower keeps enemies at bay (and burns off annoying ODD...), and they are surprisingly good in close combat, with a high CC, i-Kohl, and Viral CCWs. And they are super-cheap! This army will take 3.